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The trail you must Nordic Walk

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The trail you must Nordic Walk

Okay you’ve waited long enough to see what trail you need to Nordic Walk….drum roll please…

Clue #1 : This trail covers 65 miles of recreational greenway that connects Casco Bay in South Portland to Strawberry Banke in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.  It is open all season with luxurious trails spreading 10 feet wide and filled with hikers, bikers, snow shoers, nature walkers, cross country skiers, bird watchers and yes, Nordic Walkers.

Clue #2: The trail is part of a developing trail system that spreads 2,900 miles from Calais, Maine all the way to the warm beaches of Key West, Florida.  Nordic Walkers have seen great blue heron, snowy egrets, bald eagles, seals, wild turkey, deer and other wildlife along the historic trail paths.

Answer:  We have made you wait long enough… the trail that you must Nordic Walk on is…

The Eastern Trail in Southern Maine and you can learn all about at www.easterntrail.org.

Have you tried Nordic Walking on this trail?  Share with us at www.facebook.com/yorknordic.

Take on the trail with your own Nordic Walking poles at www.yorknordic.com

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