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Feet of someone walking with poles

If You Haven't Already, Consider Walking Poles!

Have you seen people using walking poles and wondered why they are using them? Poles can help with balance and stability while also bringing the ar...
Motivator Super Duty Highlights

Introducing the Motivator Super Duty by York Nordic

We are pleased to announce the introduction of the new Motivator Super Duty walking poles, designed specifically for those needing a sturdier pole ...
Woman with walking poles and logos

Looking Forward to the 2025 APTA Combined Sections Meeting

We are excited to share that we will again be attending this year’s American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Combined Sections Meeting, which w...
Heart Hands held in front of person

February is American Hearth Month

February is American Hearth Month, a time when all people are encouraged to focus on their cardiovascular health. At York Nordic, we likewise encou...
Woman Holding Hands Against Face as if in Pain

Arthritis and Walking...Beating the Vicious Cycle

Many people that suffer from arthritis tell us the same thing. They know that walking can be helpful but that the joint pain they feel generally ca...
Thinking of Making the Switch from a Cane to Walking Poles?

Thinking of Making the Switch from a Cane to Walking Poles?

Thinking of making the switch from a cane to walking poles? Walking poles, also known as trekking poles or Nordic walking poles, can be a fashionab...
Woman Pole Walking with York Nordic Motivator Walking Pole

Embrace Wellness and Adventure with York Nordic Motivator Poles: Your Path to a Healthier Lifestyle

In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, sometimes the simplest tools can make the most significant impact. The York Nordic Motivator Poles are a g...
Person's legs while pole walking on snow

Walking Into the New Year – Thoughts on Setting Intentions, Not Just Goals

The tradition of New Year’s resolutions often focuses on specific outcomes: losing weight, saving money, or achieving a milestone. While goals are ...
Three people pole walking on a snowy path

Top 5 Benefits of Staying Fit During the Cold Season

Let it Snow, Let it Snow! If you are like many people, you probably packed away your exercise clothing with your bikini and Bermuda shorts.  Cold w...

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