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Nordic Walking News and Updates

Arthritis and Walking...Beating the Vicious Cycle

Many people that suffer from arthritis tell us the same thing. They know that walking can be helpful but that the joint pain they feel generally can make it really hard to get motivated to walk any kind of distance when it is not necessary.

We get it! It can be very difficult to get going but please remember, the most significant benefit of walking for arthritis sufferers is the reduction of pain and stiffness. Regular, low-impact exercise like walking helps to maintain joint function, improve flexibility, and strengthen the muscles around the joints, which can alleviate some of the symptoms associated with arthritis. Walking also promotes overall health, which can help manage weight and reduce stress on the joints, further minimizing pain and improving mobility.

Many arthritis sufferers have also found that the addition of walking poles can be very helpful and provide additional motivation to walk for exercise. Because the poles can further help reduce stress on joints when walking, they can make the exercise (all pun intended!) more palatable. We definitely understand the vicious cycle but hope that reminders like this can help break it. Let’s Get Out There!

Health Benefits of Walking, Pole Walking for Seniors, Walking Research

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