Nordic Walking News and Updates
Healthier than running, walking and jogging… oh my!
It may seem farfetched but research supports and proves that the act of Nordic Walking actually offers more health benefits than regular walking, jogging, biking and running. (Health Benefits — ANWA.us (americannordicwalking.com) Working all major muscle groups and boosting oxygen consumption with increased calories burned will make athletes all over see why Nordic Walking is the way to go.
According to the American Nordic Walking Association, “Nordic walking is also great for weight loss. By using the Nordic Walking Poles, you increase your heart rate on average 10-15% more than normal walking. This means you can burn well over 400 calories per hour, much more than normal walking, which only burns approximately 280. An additional energy consumption of 1500-2000 calories a week while doing physical activities reduces your risk of getting sick. You can achieve this by walking with your poles approximately 3 hours every week.” (Health Benefits — ANWA.us (americannordicwalking.com).
Many walkers enjoy speed walking where they speed up the pace and utilize core muscle groups to improve their stride. Even with regular walking where a person is maintaining a fast pace and strong stride, only 70% of the body muscle mass on average is being used. However, a simple change of adding Nordic Walking Poles to your walking routine will not only increase your heart rate significantly, but your average body muscle mass being used to 90%. Nordic Walking is a great alternative physical activity that exerts your body in less time than other activities!
Add Nordic Walking Poles to your routine today at https://yorknordic.com/