Nordic Walking News and Updates
The Fall Theme Continues - Some Fun Fall Facts to Share
The Fall Theme Continues! We want to share these fun Fall facts recently published by a great friend of York Nordic, Carrie Mayo. Thank you, Carrie. We love Fall and hope all have the opportunity to get out and enjoy it.
That Fall Fresh Air: It’s Science!
Did you know the scent of autumn air isn’t just about cooler temps? As the trees shed their leaves, they release terpin and isoprene-filled gases stored in the pores of their outside layer, called stomata. These gases, when carried by the cool autumn breeze, are part of what gives the air in fall its sweet aroma.
Why Do the Leaves Turn Anyway?
The funny thing about the leaves on trees like maples, birch, and oaks is that they contain a multitude of colors all year long. We just can’t see the vibrant shades because they are covered by the green pigment in chlorophyll. This chemical is dominant during the summer months because the trees use it for gathering energy. As the trees enter a more dormant stage preparing for winter, the chlorophyll becomes less dominant, clearing the way for the yellows, oranges, and rusty browns–and some beautiful views!
Fall is a Time for Ceremony
For most of us in the United States, fall is full of celebrations, from Halloween and Thanksgiving to more informal traditions like visiting an apple orchard or hosting a bonfire. But did you know that fall is a time for celebration, tradition and ceremony around the world? In countless places, fall is a time for gathering with loved ones, feasting and remembrance, from Dia de los Muertos in Mexico to Diwali in India to Guy Fawkes Day in the United Kingdom. Why not make 2023 the year you and your loved ones add an international tradition to your fall festivities, or even create your own ceremony to celebrate friendship, honor a life, or pass on spooky stories to your kids.