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Nordic Walking News and Updates

smartCRUTCH® Now Available From York Nordic

While York Nordic has historically carried unique crutches such as our innovative Spring Crutch, we are thrilled to announce that we are now making our sister brand, smartCRUTCH®, available directly on www.yorknordic.com! 

The smartCRUTCH® design incorporates all of the benefits of a forearm style while minimizing or eliminating the compressive forces on the hands and wrists. The patented cuff adjusts from 15 to 90 degrees, and distributes your body weight over your forearm, releasing pressure and pain from your hands, wrists and shoulders. Fully adjustable, it can be used comfortably as both a platform and forearm crutch.

In addition, we have created the perfect tool, perfectFIT, to help you determine the proper size and select from dozens of cuff designs. Check it out.

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