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The Human Brain and Exercise. How Nordic Walking can help

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The Human Brain and Exercise - How Nordic Walking Can Help

The importance of exercise has been instilled within us since childhood.  The many benefits of strengthening your muscles and building your cardio vascular system has motivated millions of people to join a gym and lace up their sneakers.  However, exercise does way more than build our immune systems and healthy physique; it actually increases memory and cognitive thinking.

According to online research Exercise has numerous beneficial effects on brain health and cognition, review suggests | (e) Science News (esciencenews.com), “Physical inactivity is associated with poorer academic performance and results on standard neuropsychological tests, while exercise programs appear to improve memory, attention, and decision-making.”  Incorporating physical activity in your life can build your ability to plan, multitask and increase memory.

Around one third of the United States adult population is obese and approximately 12.5 million children are obese in America.  During the past twenty years, obesity has grown dangerously fast.

How can you maximize your brain activity and put a stop to the growing obesity statistics?  Nordic Walking has been proven to burn up to 40% more calories than walking without poles.  Sounds like an easy fix for working out in less time and burning more.  The reason Nordic Walking is a powerful exercise is because it incorporates every major muscle group in your body.  From arms and abdominals to hips and legs, Nordic Walking targets them all.

Check out our customized Nordic Walking poles at www.yorknordic.com.

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